Posts tagged ‘bbqs’

BBQs, labs, invisible phones and beds

So today has been the very definition of a mixed day which started off rather badly but has improved as it has gone on. I managed to miss my target of getting into the lab for no later than 10 by about 3 hours which I was really annoyed about and I was feeling a bit ill when I got to the lab and had been feeling a bit off since getting up. However on the upside, progress has been made – my project supervisor and one of the other lectures had been working on changing the set up around and instead of using a candescent lamp we used candles and have finally managed to create a Schlieren image on to a screen which is brilliant. 🙂 We have a plan of what we’re going to do (or rather of what I am going to do) so I’m hoping to get some decent results before I have to finish next Friday. The next step is for me to make sure I understand the set up and get to grips with the various components and to get pictures using a modified webcam.

I did get better as the day went on and I was feeling good by the time I met with my friends to go to the BBQ this evening which has been where I’ve been all evening. It was good just to socialise and be apart of the group. It was good for my confidence and self belief that people really do like me being around and don’t just feel sorry for me or whatever. I think I’m starting to slowly improve with social conventions etc but I still have a lot to work on with some things but I guess we all have our personal trials we have to work through.

So I managed to forget my phone when going to my lab so have been out of touch the whole day pretty much. I am sad to say that I did feel rather lost with out it as not only is it my phone but my bible, my watch, my mobile entertainment unit (facebook, twitter, games, music etc) and just general comfort.

I have remembered God at some points during the day but I would like to do more still and to get a consistent relationship going that isn’t just me wanting/needing things – to make it just as much about being thankful and praising his Holy name.

Looking at my posts so far there is a theme starting to emerge so in the next few days I may start to tag my posts and get into the habit of tagging them. :p I still need to deal with the personal business I have mentioned but I am struggling to find the time atm and I can only do it during the week which doesn’t help. With God on my side I will sort everything out – I truly believe that.

Moving on it is time to set my targets for tomorrow:

  • Remember my phone
  • Get into the lab by 10 at the latest
  • Remember why I am doing this blog and what I am trying to achieve (I’ll explain this tomorrow when hopefully I’ll be able to make this clearer).

“That’s all folk’s!”

I 0:)

Edit: Ok the last picture of loony tunes is meant to be at the end but I can’t figure out how to do that as they have slightly changed my format to editing and I can’t seem to post pictures individually now. :/ If anyone can help me with that that would be great. Thanks.

I 0:)