Posts tagged ‘first’

Test post from mobile – cake! :-D


Ok so this is just me seeing how easy it is to use the mobile app and post up images from the mobile.


Well seems easy enough, I’ll see if I can find out why iknowafewthings is having trouble next time I see her and help her out. 🙂 That’s me for the night.
I 0:)

There: A journey of not turning back


I guess it makes sense to start off by doing a short(ish) introduction of myself and why I started this blog. So I am a 24 1/2 year old born again Christian guy who has just finished a physics degree with a fair amount of spare time on his hands at the moment. My results for my degree are back and not looking great but I am allowed to retake as first sitting my final year project which entails lab work and write up to be done over the summer period for reasons that will probably become apparent as I develop this blog. I have an interest in production and want to go into television production as a career (though I have no idea what I want to do within that as it is a very broad aspect).


Which brings me nicely onto the reasoning behind this blog, this is a space for me to just post up some of my work and really get some sort of accountability about how I am getting on both with this and just finding work in general. So I am currently looking for any work I can to pay rent/bills etc. but my heart is really in Television production and is where I will try to focus my efforts. On a separate more serious note about myself I have issues with my self-image and how I see myself, which many people who know me will know to varying degrees. The truth is I have spoken about it before and God has done an amazing work turning that around and I can honestly say I love myself but I still have a core negative view of myself which is long due a change. So I am basically just stealing this idea from my friend iknowafewthings ( to keep myself accountable on a more general level. I have little will power so I aim to post here every day (for the time being), setting daily targets for myself and make sure I add more pictures, videos and stuff like that which I find to make things a bit more interesting.

That’s all I can think of right now so to finish off I guess I should set myself my first targets. So what I am going to do since this is my first post is make some general long term goals I want to achieve and then I will set my daily targets and update on the long term goals as and when.  My long term goals are:

  • Stay on the path God has set before me (never underestimate this one)
  • View myself in a positive light which brings glory to God
  • Find a job in television production/find out what God has for me as a career.

My targets for tommorow:

  • Get out of my room/house for a few hours during the day
  • Get to Uni by late morning to start my labs
  • Don’t get down on myself.

I realise this has been a rather sporadic post but hopefully as I get more organised things will slot into place. I hope that you find it interesting anyway. But I need to get going so I will see you all tommorow.

I 0:)