Posts tagged ‘Romans’

Two desires: Two hearts part two

So I have had a good day, maybe not the most productive one but I will take the little steps in getting out of the house/my room for the majority of the day. I’m going to keep this fairly short and sweet because I want to wind down before bed. :p So getting out and just hanging out has been a good experience and slowly am starting to genuinely feel better about myself. I know that a few hours in one day is just a mere snapshot of the journey but I want to take all the little victories.

So I have been reflecting recently on what Paul says in Romans 7 v 15 where he talks about not doing what he wants to do but does what he hates and how true that is in our lives and mine in particular (since I know me best, well God knows me even better but that’s a whole different can of worms). The struggles of life are there to help us grow, but it is in our attitudes and how we approach those struggles that determine how we grow – both for the better and for the worse.

Moving on, I realise that today has been a rather “religious” couple of posts and that there has been a heavy “religious” theme in my blogs so far but I will come round to the production side, hold tight, it is coming I just need to get a bit more organised and work out how to work it in so that it works in my head. When I use the word “religious” it is for want of a better word as I do not see myself as religious in any way and that my faith is about relationship not sacrifice or following a strict set of rules/laws. The cross brings grace which covers all my iniquities so that I don’t have to follow strict rules/laws. I’ll leave it there for tonight and move onto my daily target setting:

  • Keep on feeling positive about myself (I think I am going to make this a long term goal as this is about a choice and not a feeling so to speak).
  • Get in to Uni tommorow/today (it is now 00:12 here) and try and get some sort of plan together for Thursday.
  • Get up at a reasonable time (absolutely no later than 09.30)
  • Get the various chores around the house I need to do done.

I 0:)